1498 results found

The Voices of Basic Income

Publication 5 April 2020

This report explores the lives and experiences of residents in three neighbourhoods of Eix Besos in North-Eastern Barcelona. From December 2017 to late 2019, these communities were part of a radical experiment “B-MINCOME” – to tackle urban poverty and social

Rapid research COVID-19 Briefing #1: How will communities respond to and recover from this crisis?

Repository entry 1 April 2020

This research briefing connects communities currently responding to COVID-19 to others who have faced major crises such as epidemics, floods, fires, earthquakes, wars and terrorist incidents. It provides a language to describe how communities forge new bonds and find common purpose, and identifies factors that may shape how well they fare durin…

Community Organising at Pace

Blog 31 March 2020

I believe wholeheartedly in the power of community – to enable citizens to lead and to seek out local solutions to local issues. The current public health crisis facing communities across the world offers a unique opportunity to reveal the value of community,

Community & Covid-19

Blog 20 March 2020

We understand that Covid-19 is already changing and will profoundly change the experience of community and life in every local place in the UK. This research gives us a detailed account of the state of community on the brink of

Community missing from Budget 2020

News 12 March 2020

Helen Goulden, CEO at The Young Foundation says: “When it comes to ‘levelling up’, the government needs to recognise that this economic agenda is as much about tackling inequality within places, towns and cities as it is across different geographic regions.”

An Evaluation of the CLT Start Up Fund

Repository entry 1 March 2020

The Community Land Trust (CLT) Fund was established in October 2008 as a four-year pilot programme by a consortium of funders which has included the Tudor Trust, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, CAF, Nationwide Foundation and a private donor. The aim of the Fund was to stimulate the development of the CLT sector in England and Wales by providing a…

Connecting the dots: The funding landscape for community business

Repository entry 1 March 2020

This paper explores the funding landscape for community businesses. In doing so, it also explores what is distinctive about Power to Change’s offering, so that it can plan for its eventual exit from the market. It combines data from 360Giving, Power to Change’s own grants data, the Social Economy Data Lab and open data published by the Heri…

Transform: End of Programme Summary

Repository entry 1 March 2020

In 2017 Lloyds Bank Foundation established the Transform programme with the aim of influencing policy and strengthening infrastructure and innovation in the domestic and sexual abuse sectors.

It invested £1.6m to fund 16 projects which all aimed to create social change by influencing others – individuals, services and systems – to do things d…

‘Basic’ income supports wellbeing but not employability

News 26 February 2020

The results of a two-year research study released by The Young Foundation today casts a shadow on the potential of a temporary minimum income – similar to a ‘universal basic’ or ‘citizen’ income – as a mechanism to tackle economic and social inequality and reduce poverty.

Greater engagement with communities must be part of social investment

News 18 February 2020

The Young Foundation has launched a new report which sets out the extent to which the UK social investment sector should engage with traditional ‘service users’ to improve decisions which affect their lives.

Nothing About Us, Without Us – Lived experience insight & social investment

Publication 17 February 2020

The shift towards bringing the voices, perspectives and experiences of people and communities closer to the source of decision-making and power has been growing for some time. A distrust of governments and institutions who hold power, growing inequality, the subsequent

Community hubs: Ten strategies for sustainability – Learning from the experience of Safe Regeneration – A community hub in the Liverpool city region

Repository entry 1 February 2020

# Preview | Download ORC-2020-02-Community hubs-ten strategies for sustainability.pdf2MB Author(s) Kerry Traynor Glenn Simpson Citation Traynor, K. and Simpson, G. (2020) Community hubs: Ten strategies for sustainability – Learning from the experience of Safe Regeneration – A community hub in


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