1498 results found

Housing by the community for the community: An assessment of the value for money of community led housing in England

Repository entry 1 September 2020

This report assesses the value for money of community led housing in England, exploring how community led housing is meeting housing needs that would otherwise not be met, improving the wellbeing of communities and providing high returns. With findings showing that, over thirty years, each £1 of public support delivers £3.10 of benefit (when …

Rapid Research COVID-19 Briefing #5: Volunteering through crisis and beyond: Starting, stopping and shifting

Repository entry 1 September 2020

The contribution of volunteers in the response to COVID-19 has rightly received considerable attention. Media reports have suggested levels of participation are soaring, but behind the headlines lie a series of questions about what volunteering is taking place, who is getting involved and how it is organised. This briefing draws on literature a…

Saving the high street: the community takeover

Repository entry 1 September 2020

Saving the High Street: the community takeover by the London School of Economics and Political Science, reveals how fragmented property ownership; a lack of transparency on who owns high street buildings; and absentee landlords with no vested interest in local places, are a barrier to creating unified high street regeneration strategies that ca…

Stronger than anyone thought: Communities responding to COVID-19

Repository entry 1 September 2020

In the context of COVID-19 and public health-related lockdown measures, Local Trust commissioned a study examining how communities react to, cope with and recover from major crises. The study started in April 2020 and the first two phases are due to conclude in June 2021. It presents a unique opportunity to gain grounded insight into commu…

The Community Asset Transfer of Leisure Facilities in the UK: A Review and Research Agenda

Repository entry 1 September 2020

This paper reviews recent work on community asset transfers (CAT): a transfer of management of facilities from the public sector to the third sector, largely led by volunteers. The review focusses on leisure facilities due to their non-statutory nature, making them more vulnerable to public spending cuts. The experience of CATs is reviewed, inc…

The impact of community businesses on people

Repository entry 1 September 2020

As part of our commitment to evidencing the impact of Power to Change and the community businesses we support, we aim to regularly produce evidence reviews. Our latest research report brings together our evidence base about the impact of community businesses on the people they work with and support. This report is not just about the response to…

Empowering young people to find quality work

News 28 August 2020

A group of young people, gathered with some of the UK’s largest employers and policymakers last week to share their experiences of access to quality work, despite the impact of Covid-19.

Risk and Responsibility

Blog 28 August 2020

There is an urgent need to involve communities in post-Covid policymaking, but we must respect that rebuilding has to be a truly shared endeavour. Across communities of every type, the question of whose responsibility it is to tackle many of

The art of being patient

Blog 27 August 2020

In 2019 the Education Policy Institute shared its fears that the reduction in the attainment gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers was close to flattening out and that the gap might start to increase again.

A roadmap to local impact: Institute for Community Studies and Young Foundation respond to the consultation on the UK R&D Roadmap

Blog 27 August 2020

The Young Foundation and the associated Institute for Community Studies welcome this consultation on the UK R&D Roadmap. We fully support its ambition to maximise the economic, environmental and societal impact of research, drive innovation, to inspire the next generation,

Below the radar: Exploring grants data for grassroots organisations

Repository entry 1 August 2020

This research focuses on a group of community organisations that often get overlooked, and yet play a crucial role in bringing people together in local communities, frequently providing activities and services that others don’t. Its principal aim is to explore how this knowledge and evidence gap can be reduced and how better data can provide …

Community Business Market Survey 2020: Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic

Repository entry 1 August 2020

This report is the first of two to be published around the 2020 annual Community Business Market Survey data. These research findings are based on questions relating to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic in the 2020 iteration of Power to Change’s annual Community Business Market survey. This paper provides top-level findings about the impact…


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