1498 results found

Fertile Ground: Creating the conditions for social innovation to flourish in Northern Ireland

Publication 26 July 2016

Northern Ireland is in the midst of a period of intense social and economic change. We face both profound challenges and a complex web of new opportunities. This is a moment that requires creative solutions to address the greatest issues

Analysis of applicants to the Initial Grants Programme

Repository entry 1 July 2016

The Power to Change Research Institute commissioned Regeneris Consulting to carry out the analysis of data collected from the Initial Grants Programme. This report summarises the findings of the data submitted to better understand who applied and why and what determined success.

Amplify Sheffield

Publication 18 June 2016

From January to June 2016, the Young Foundation worked with Power to Change and Social Enterprise UK in three very different Sheffield neighbourhoods, Manor, Upperthorpe and Heeley, to explore approaches to place-based investment in the city. The report is based on semi-structured

Realising Ambition Programme Insights: Issue 4

Publication 17 June 2016

The Realising Ambition consortium, of which The Young Foundation was a part, produced a series of 12 Programme Insights rather than writing a long evaluation report at the end of the five-year programme. In our fourth Programme Insight, we consider

Credit where credit’s due?

Publication 24 May 2016

In 2016, over 12 million people in the UK did not have access to affordable credit. An estimated 16.8 per cent were over-indebted. In Wales, the proportion was higher in every single local authority area with three among the UK’s

The Sky’s The Limit

Publication 6 May 2016

This Gender Futures report looks at what is gender lens investing, how it generates financial return and advances gender equality and what needs to happen to build the field in the UK.

Research into the impact of Big Local: Impacts found

Repository entry 1 May 2016

Resources for Change was commissioned to undertake research “To capture the impact, achievements and learning of some of the earliest plans to be endorsed to demonstrate what the Big Local model has been able to achieve and draw out learning for other Big Local areas moving into delivery”. Additionally, the researchers investigated how area…

A Story of Leeds: Changing the world every day

Publication 26 March 2016

This report shares the stories of people from all walks of life in Leeds, learning about the deeply held values that exist in communities and hearing people’s stories of hope and transformation. It also shines a light on projects, initiatives

Realising Ambition Programme Insights: Issue 3

Publication 17 March 2016

The Realising Ambition consortium, of which The Young Foundation was a part, produced a series of 12 Programme Insights rather than writing a long evaluation report at the end of the five-year programme. In our third Programme Insight, we explore

Making Waves

Publication 16 March 2016

The Young Foundation’s Amplify programmes across cities and regions in the UK and beyond are platforms of interconnected research, community development and innovation support designed to spark new ideas for tackling structural inequalities which respond to the real, lived experiences

The community business market in 2015

Repository entry 1 March 2016

The Power to Change Research Institute commissioned Social Finance in September 2015 to provide an updated assessment of the state of the community business market. This followed Social Finance’s original report on the community business market, What If We Ran It Ourselves?, published in January 2015, based on research conducted by Social Fin…

Small and Medium Sized Charities after the Crash

Repository entry 1 February 2016

This briefing compiles evidence from two other independent reports: Navigating Change by NCVO and Too Small To Fail by IPPR North. These reports reveal that small and medium-sized charities have been hardest hit by cuts to public funding since 2008 compared to the rest of the voluntary sector. It also made clear that the damage will be most fel…


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