1498 results found

Communities Can: Final Evaluation Report

Publication 22 March 2017

Communities Can was a 2-year pilot to test how best to provide organisational development support for small community groups, set out to demonstrate how they can be supported, and what they can achieve as a result. The Big Lottery Fund and

Researching the local politics and practices of radical Community Development Projects in 1970s Britain

Repository entry 1 March 2017

This article re-evaluates the British Community Development Project (CDP) of the 1970s. It sets the national Community Development Project in context, as an experimental programme of action-research in twelve ‘deprived’ areas, set up in response to the rediscovery of poverty in the late 1960s. It explains the rationale for revisit…

Facing Forward: How Small and Medium Charities can Adapt to Survive

Repository entry 1 March 2017

Facing Forward was written by Charlotte Ravenscroft, Evidential Consulting, and describes 10 trends to watch in a changing operating landscape with recommendations on how small charities should respond. With the impact of Brexit, economic uncertainty and growing pressures on local government adding uncertainty for the future of small charities,…

Share to Know: Furthering peer-to-peer and collaborative learning methods

Publication 16 February 2017

Share to Know was a European exchange project that aims to further the use of peer-to-peer learning methodologies by educational institutions and other organisations/individuals working with young people. The exchange took place between three peer-to-peer learning practitioners from the United

Valuing Place: The importance of place for understanding inequality and taking action in Wales

Publication 7 February 2017

Amplify Cymru was a programme of interconnected research and innovation support funded by the Welsh Government. Amplify Cymru helps people take action together to create fairer communities where everyone can thrive. Our research into the lived experience of over 350

Realising Ambition Programme Insights: Issue 6

Publication 17 January 2017

The Realising Ambition consortium, of which The Young Foundation was a part, produced a series of 12 Programme Insights rather than writing a long evaluation report at the end of the five-year programme. In our sixth Programme Insight, we take

Social innovation policy in Europe: where next?

Publication 6 January 2017

The global challenges we face are resistant to conventional policy measures. Tackling issues like inequality, climate change and migration requires new thinking, new collaborations and new practices. Meanwhile, it is widely argued that to create an inclusive and cohesive society,

Social Innovation in Health and Social Care: Case Study Results

Publication 6 December 2016

Health and social care is a policy field that is ripe for social innovation because of the significant problems being faced by health systems the world over and because of the significant differences between different health and social care contexts.

People, places and health agencies: Lessons from Big Local residents

Repository entry 1 December 2016

Local Trust commissioned this research because health and wellbeing had been identified as a priority in many Big Local areas; and because the areas that were already working with health agencies said that this relationship was both rewarding and challenging.

The research addressed two questions:

Do Big Local areas and health agencies have …

A common interest: The role of asset transfer in developing the community business market

Repository entry 1 November 2016

The Power to Change Research Institute commissioned New Local Government Network in March 2016, to provide the most comprehensive possible mapping of asset transfers from local authorities to communities in recent years.

This report found steady progress in assets being transferred to communities over the past 5 years, and identified gaps in a…

A common interest: The role of asset transfer in developing the community business market

Repository entry 1 November 2016

# Preview | Download RI-03S-The role of asset transfer in developing the community business market.pdf76kB Author(s) Abigail Gilbert Citation Gilbert, A. (2016) A common interest: The role of asset transfer in developing the community business market. Research Report. Power to

Alt Valley Community Trust

Repository entry 1 November 2016

# Preview | Download RI-03-CS-Alt Valley Community Trust.pdf78kB Author(s) Unspecified Citation Unspecified (2016) Alt Valley Community Trust. Case Study. Power to Change. Details Report type: Case Study Publisher: Power to Change Location: North West


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