The impact of community businesses on people

Published: 2020

As part of our commitment to evidencing the impact of Power to Change and the community businesses we support, we aim to regularly produce evidence reviews. Our latest research report brings together our evidence base about the impact of community businesses on the people they work with and support. This report is not just about the response to…

Below the radar: Exploring grants data for grassroots organisations

Published: 2020

This research focuses on a group of community organisations that often get overlooked, and yet play a crucial role in bringing people together in local communities, frequently providing activities and services that others don’t. Its principal aim is to explore how this knowledge and evidence gap can be reduced and how better data can provide …

Community Business Market Survey 2020: Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic

Published: 2020

This report is the first of two to be published around the 2020 annual Community Business Market Survey data. These research findings are based on questions relating to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic in the 2020 iteration of Power to Change’s annual Community Business Market survey. This paper provides top-level findings about the impact…

Empowering Places – Interim Evaluation Report

Published: 2020

The Empowering Places programme aims to build more resilient communities by catalysing and nurturing community businesses to provide benefits and opportunities for local people. The programme funds locally rooted ‘catalyst’ organisations in six places – Wigan; Leicester; Bradford; Plymouth; Grimsby; Hartlepool – to help empower communit…

Empowering Places: A report for Power to Change, using data from the Thriving Places Index

Published: 2020

In this report, The Centre for Thriving Places uses the Thriving Places Index (TPI) to look at the conditions that support wellbeing, enabling communities to thrive fairly and sustainably, in six Local Authority areas: Hartlepool, North East Lincolnshire, Leicester, Plymouth, Wigan, Bradford. Looking across the headline elements of Local Condit…

Homes in Community Hands – Baseline Evaluation Report

Published: 2020

Power to Change’s Homes in Community Hands (HCH) programme provides grants to help build and refurbish affordable housing. Specifically, the programme is supporting the development of community-led housing (CLH) in England and has been allocated £7.6 million to do this. Between 2016 to 2018 £1.8 million in grants was disbursed in a vanguard…

Rapid Research COVID-19 Briefing #4: Blending formal and informal community responses

Published: 2020

In Briefing 3: Grassroots Action, Rob Macmillan explored the literature on the value of informal community activity in conditions of crisis. This included a classification of responses (Whittaker et al, 2015) from established crisis response organisations to expanding organisations meeting the demands of the moment as well as extending organisa…

Community Businesses in the North of England 2020: New comparative analysis from the Third Sector Trends study

Published: 2020

This report compares the activities of local community businesses with those of other types of third sector organisation (TSOs) in the North of England. The report draws upon findings from the longitudinal Third Sector Trends study, which was most recently run again in 2019. Within the report, 2019 findings about community businesses are compar…

Left Behind areas 2020 – Interim Set

Published: 2020

A Community Needs Index was developed to identify areas experiencing these second set of challenges by combining a series of indicators, conceptualised under three domains:

Social Infrastructure: Measures of the presence of key community, civic, educational and cultural assets in and in close proximity to the area.
Connectedness: Measures o…

Rapid Research COVID-19 Briefing #3: Grassroots action – the role of informal community activity in responding to crises

Published: 2020

The establishment of COVID-19 mutual aid groups at community level has been a remarkable and praised feature of the first few months of the coronavirus crisis. Yet little is so far known about how they formed, how they work, and what role they play. This briefing examines some of the literature on the value of informal community activity- espec…

State of rural community business: A snapshot view in June 2020

Published: 2020

The Coronavirus crisis affected lives in all corners of the world, almost no community has gone unchanged in some way since global awareness of the outbreak began in the Spring of 2020. For community-owned and run businesses across the UK, Covid-19 presented both daunting challenges and unexpected opportunities. 

This report loo…

The English Village and Community Hall Survey 2020

Published: 2020

The English Village and Community Hall Survey 2020, written on behalf of Action with Communities in Rural England (ACRE), is a detailed look at village halls across England. The ten-year survey provides a snapshot of the state of England’s varied and essential village and community halls, their funding, use and changes over time. With over 2,…


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