Catalyst Profile: Real Ideas, Plymouth

Published: 2021

# Preview | Download ptc_area_profile_plymouth_v3.pdf536kB Author(s) Lily O’Flynn Naomi Jones Waseem Meghjee Citation O’Flynn, L., Jones, N. and Meghjee, W. (2021) Catalyst Profile: Real Ideas, Plymouth. Case Study. Power to Change. Details Report type: Case Study Publisher: Power to Change

Catalyst Profile: The Wharton Trust, Hartlepool

Published: 2021

# Preview | Download ptc_area_profile_hartlepool_v3.pdf715kB Author(s) Lily O’Flynn Naomi Jones Waseem Meghjee Citation O’Flynn, L., Jones, N. and Meghjee, W. (2021) Catalyst Profile: The Wharton Trust, Hartlepool. Case Study. Power to Change. Details Report type: Case Study Publisher: Power to

Coordinating community business infrastructure

Published: 2021

As part of the ongoing evaluation of Power to Change’s market development work, this paper examines the strategic relationships between Power to Change and infrastructure bodies which support and represent community businesses. The work was completed by Rob MacMillan at the Centre for Regional Economic Social Research (CRESR) at Sheffield Hal…

Empowering Places: The programme model and emerging impact

Published: 2021

The Empowering Places programme funds locally rooted ‘catalyst’ organisations in six places, over five years to empower communities to develop community businesses. Through the development of new community businesses, the programme aims to provide benefits and opportunities to local people and create more resilient places.

The program…

Enablers and barriers to delivering place-based change through the Empowering Places programme

Published: 2021

The Empowering Places programme funds locally rooted ‘catalyst’ organisations in six places, over five years to empower communities to develop community businesses. Through the development of new community businesses, the programme aims to provide benefits and opportunities to local people and create more resilient places.

The programme, d…

Left Behind Survey

Published: 2021

Conducted by Survation on behalf of Local Trust.

You can find more reports written or commissioned by Local Trust here.

Minoritised Ethnic Community and Social Enterprises

Published: 2021

Access – The Foundation for Social Investment (Access), The Social Investment Business (SIB) and Power to Change (collectively – the partners) wished to collectively improve their understanding of how well they currently serve the needs of minoritised ethnic communities, specifically relating to the provision of enterprise develop…

Rapid research COVID-19 Briefing #13: Community responses to COVID-19 – Community hubs as social infrastructure

Published: 2021

Community hubs, halls and centres are a core component of the ‘social infrastructure’ of places, and they have come into their own during the pandemic. They provide direct practical and emotional support for people, enable people to stay connected, and also have a symbolic significance for communities. This briefing examines the role they h…

Towards resilience: Building energy systems with community at their heart

Published: 2021

COVID-19 has brought into sharp focus the fragile state and deeply interconnected nature of the critical systems we rely on for our health and prosperity. Our energy system is a case in point; the pandemic has underscored that existing top-down, centralised models of energy supply and management are not a good fit for the future.

You can find…

“Why don’t they ask us?” The role of communities in levelling up

Published: 2021

This report by the Institute for Community Studies reveals that current approaches to regeneration and economic transformation are not working for the majority of local communities and their economies.

Its key findings are that:

Interventions have consistently failed to address the most deprived communities, contributing to a 0%…

Community business infrastructure: A literature review

Published: 2021

Power to Change commissioned this work by Rob MacMillan at Centre for Regional Economic Social Research (CRESR) at Sheffield Hallam University. The literature review assesses the evidence base on the role and value of support for community businesses, and aims to assist Power to Change in understanding the importance of existing infrastruc…

Homes In Community Hands – Year 2 Evaluation Report

Published: 2021

Power to Change’s Homes in Community Hands (HCH) programme provided grants to help build and refurbish affordable housing. Specifically, the programme supported the development of community-led housing (CLH) in England where – between 2019 and 2021 – up to £5.8 million in funding was made available. These funds have been predominantly target…


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