Thematic Paper: Assets & Community Businesses

Published: 2022

Community assets – buildings or land which are used for the social interest or wellbeing of the wider community – can be essential to a community business’ service delivery and financial sustainability, and can contribute to greater community empowerment and pride. Power to Change supported communit…

Understanding the lived experience of ethnic minority students in postgraduate research

Published: 2022

This report presents the findings from the first qualitative research on the experiences of ethnic minority postgraduate research students accessing and studying at GuildHE member institutions. It captures, through interviews, students’ perceptions and experiences of studying a postgraduate research degree at smaller and specialist higher edu…

Community Power and Health Equity: Closing the Gap between Scholarship and Practice

Published: 2022

This discussion paper draws on learnings from Lead Local: Community-Driven Change and the Power of Collective Action, a collaborative effort funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. It shows how the power-building ecosystem works in practice, showcasing examples of state and local power-building organisations and campaigns nationwide and r…

Reaching Further: Lessons for Funder Practice

Published: 2022

This report sets out eight lessons in funder practice from the work of Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales from 2018 to 2022. During the five years of their strategy Reaching Further, the collision of unprecedented social, health and economic crises brought both the strength and fragility of civil society into sharp focus – funders and…

Deductions: Drivers of Poverty

Published: 2022

Deductions are impoverishing individuals and families against a backdrop of low incomes, rising living costs and widening inequalities during Covid.

Deductions are payments that DWP automatically takes out from benefit payments to pay off debts owed to government from loans such as advance payments, or errors and historic benefit overpayments …

Lloyds Bank Foundation: 360 Giving Data

Published: 2022

This spreadsheet contains details of all grants awarded by the Lloyds Bank Foundation from 2010 until June 2020, formatted to the 360Giving data standard. The Foundation will continue to publish new grants via 360Giving biannually.

This spreadsheet contains details of all grants awarded by the Foundation from 2010 until June 2020, formatted to…

Charities responding to COVID: Summer 2021 Update

Published: 2021

This report builds two previous reports- published by Lloyds Bank Foundation in May and December 2020 respectively and how small charities have fared since the first national lockdown in March 2020. This provides a snapshot of the experiences of small charities throughout the crisis.

In it, Lloyds Bank Foundation share their findings of how ch…

Rebalancing the Relationship

Published: 2021

In 2018, NCVO, ACEVO and Lloyds Bank Foundation launched a project to address competition and collaboration, particularly between organisations of different sizes delivering public service. The findings from this project and considerations for practice are laid out within this report and are based on significant engagement with organisations ac…

The Value of Small in a Big Crisis

Published: 2021

Three years on from the publication of the landmark independent ‘The Value of Small’ study, researchers from Sheffield Hallam, the Open University, IVAR and the University of Wolverhampton revisited the four case study areas during the COVID 19 pandemic.

The 2018 study found that small and medium-sized charities – those with an annual in…

Community Business Climate Action Programme Scoping Study Literature Review

Published: 2021

This rapid literature review was undertaken by CAG Consultants in late 2021 as part of a scoping study to inform Power to Change’s new Climate Action Programme under development. It takes a wide perspective of available data to provide an overview of development needs/opportunities, funding and support gaps for community businesses …

Empowering Places? Measuring the impact of community businesses at neighbourhood level

Published: 2021

Empowering Places is a programme of place-based investment that aims to demonstrate the role that concentrated clusters of community businesses can play in improving local areas and reducing inequality. To measure the impact of the programme, Power to Change commissioned Kantar in 2020 to conduct six ‘hyperlocal’ extensions of the gove…

The Community Business Market in 2021

Published: 2021

This is the seventh in a series of annual reports published by Power to Change on the state of the community business market. This iteration is the fifth researched and written by CFE Research. It uses survey and  interview data to describe a community business market bouncing back financially from the worst of the pandemic, diversifying t…


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