Projects and programmes
Our projects and programmes
Peer Action Collective
Peer Action Collective programme tackles the root causes of youth violence in communities across the UK.
Community Research Networks
Community Research Networks programme is a two-phase funding opportunity, putting communities at the heart of research.
Delivering the ‘S’ of ESG
Supporting businesses to explore and apply our Four-Scope Social Framework, identifying multiple starting points to drive genuinely impactful and long-term impact.
Forever Young
Celebrating our 70-year legacy, we continue to embrace the spirit of our founder, Michael Young, as we address challenges facing UK communities today, and tomorrow.
Community Knowledge Fund
The Community Knowledge Fund supports communities to play a stronger role in research and innovation.
Fair, green, and people-powered
A stronger, green and digital economy can regenerate places and improve lives. We’re working to better understand people’s readiness for change and mobilise action.
Campaign for community power
Supporting better-connected, stronger communities, The Young Foundation is proud to be part of We’re Right Here, the campaign for community power.
The Community Tune-In
Songs tell stories, bring people together, create special memories and share culture and traditions. This project celebrates the UK’s diverse communities through music.
The Young Academy
The Young Academy Investment Fund launched in 2014 as a pilot social impact fund
Kickstarting careers
Research and insights from our participation in the Kickstart scheme, working with 16- to 24-year-olds deemed at risk of unemployment.