Malcolm Dean


Malcolm was a journalist for more than 60 years. In 1969, he joined The Guardian, where he worked his way up to associate editor, having launched the paper’s weekly society section. During this time, he met Michael Young. He took up a fellowship at Nuffield College, Oxford and was chair of a Joseph Rowntree Foundation commission on older people.

Marcial Boo

Chief Executive, IPSA

Marcial is chief executive of IPSA, the MPs’ pay and expenses watchdog. He was previously a director at the National Audit Office and senior civil servant at the Home Office. He was an advisor to Tony Blair, and was deputy chair of The Young Foundation.

Maryanna Abdo

Emerging Markets Education Director, Parthenon-EY

Maryanna works with leading global advisors to the education sector. She is now based in Singapore after four years in Mumbai, and serves clients from sub-Saharan Africa to Indonesia. Maryanna previously worked with The Young Foundation and a range of other policy and non-profit organisations.

Micheal Omoniyi

Social entrepreneur, academic, and commentator

In 2019, Micheal was named by the Financial Times among the 100 most influential leaders in tech. He is founder of The Common Sense Network and a range of other organisations and charities


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