Reports and research
“Let’s talk about parks” – conversation club resource
5 December 2017 | Authors: Suzy Solley, Radhika Bynon,
Parks have a special place in the modern urban landscape as they are publicly owned, free to use and exist simply for our enjoyment, regardless of our background or social background. Spending time outdoors provides respite from the stresses of
#refugeeswelcome in parks: a resource book
4 December 2017 | Authors:
Do you work directly with refugees and asylum seekers? This resource book will share information on how the use of public space can help to facilitate wellbeing and inclusion, and offers ideas for supporting positive experiences. Are you involved in
A Tale of Two Cities: Community Perspectives and Narratives on Inequality, Struggle, Hope and Change
15 November 2017 | Authors: Mary Hodgson,
Today we are facing unprecedented inequality challenges. Who holds responsibility for the widening gaps in society and how do we solve them? A tale of two cities presents community perspectives on what inequality is, and how it is experienced, struggled
SI-DRIVE Policy Decleration: Social Innovation on the Rise – Challenges for a Future Innovation Policy
14 November 2017 | Authors:
The SI-DRIVE Policy Declaration sets a framework for unfolding the potential of social innovations within a new innovation paradigm and a new innovation policy. It’s about fostering democracy and participation, economy, digital and ecological transformation. And it’s about the capacity
A Review of the Private Rented Sector in England: Vulnerability and Innovation
30 August 2017 | Authors: Amanda Hill-Dixon, Will Jamieson,
We are currently experiencing a major crisis in our housing system. England has the oldest housing stock in Europe as well as the slowest construction rates in the long and short-term. Our sluggish rate of housebuilding has inflated the cost
Transforming Health: Shifting our health systems from illness treatment and prevention to health creation
11 July 2017 | Authors: Alan Chen, Tony May,
In spite of recent overall advancements in our society’s health and wellbeing, we are experiencing a crisis of major health disparities driven by growing inequalities. Experts recognize that while the NHS has much to be celebrated, its design is not
Realising Ambition Programme Insights: Issue 10 and Confidence Framework
5 July 2017 | Authors:
The Realising Ambition consortium, of which The Young Foundation was a part, produced a series of 12 Programme Insights rather than writing a long evaluation report at the end of the five-year programme. In our tenth Programme Insight we give
Taking the future into their own hands: Youth work and entrepreneurial learning.
2 July 2017 | Authors: Amanda Hill-Dixon, Karsten Frøhlich Hougaard, Sigrid Nindl, Tine Anderson,
In the challenging times that most EU Member States are experiencing in the aftermath of the financial crisis, young people are at particular risk of being left at the margins of society. In 2016, approximately 1 in 10 young people
Realising Ambition Programme Insights: Issue 9
30 June 2017 | Authors:
The Realising Ambition consortium, of which The Young Foundation was a part, produced a series of 12 Programme Insights rather than writing a long evaluation report at the end of the five-year programme. In our ninth Programme Insight, we combine
Community Powered Change: Telling stories, growing ideas
8 May 2017 | Authors: Alice Neeson, Becca Bor, Rebecca Watterson,
Part of our places programme, Amplify NI was a major five-year initiative to support people in Northern Ireland to take action together, to create fairer communities where everyone can thrive. The programme brought people and organisations from all parts of
European Policy Brief: Social Innovation in Health and Social Care
6 May 2017 | Authors:
This policy brief on Social Innovation in Health and Social Care is based on results of the EC H2020 funded project Social Innovation: Driving Force of Social Change (SI-DRIVE). Highlights of this policy field are given from results of a
Health and Social Care Policy Field Summary Report
6 May 2017 | Authors: Amanda Hill-Dixon, Charlotte Heales, Suzy Solley,
Social innovation in health and social care is strongly determined by social values, culture and societal expectations. Answers to questions such as, who should pay for care? and, who deserves care? differ across contexts and come together to shape health