Youth leadership for urban wellbeing

3 August 2023 | Authors:

This research report was developed by The Centre for Urban Wellbeing at The University of Birmingham, in collaboration with The Young Foundation, and the University of Birmingham’s Institute for Mental Health Youth participation leads and Youth Advisory Group.

No Wrong Door: How an integrated employment and skills system can support Londoners

5 July 2023 | Authors: Zoe Dibb, Chelsea McDonagh, Daniel Farag, Franca Roeschert, Amelia Clayton, Alice Bell,

Commissioned by the Mayor of London, this report explores the needs of people accessing skills and employment services.

Rights and risks: Migrant labour exploitation in London

6 June 2023 | Authors: Amelia Clayton,

Commissioned by the Mayor of London and supported by FLEX, this report hears from London’s migrant workers, gaining a deeper understanding of their working conditions and the struggles they face through peer-led research.

Immigration Kickstart report

13 April 2023 | Authors:

This report explores the experiences of first and second generation immigrant British populations, and has been developed and devised by a group of young Kickstart peer research recruits.

Five ways a community-centred policy agenda could take us to a fairer future

31 March 2023 | Authors: Helen Goulden OBE,

This paper was submitted to the Labour Party’s National Policy Forum (NPF) Consultation in March 2023 on the topic of empowered communities.

Leading research, driving change

22 March 2023 | Authors: Annais Naylor Guerrero,

Sharing insights into youth experiences of violence, and young people’s solutions to drive safer, fairer futures in England and Wales.

Research and engagement to develop ’15-Minute Neighbourhoods’ in Waltham Forest

22 March 2023 | Authors: Samanthi Theminimulle, Siân Whyte, Alice Bell,

This report shares insights from the Waltham Forest ’15-Minute Neighbourhood’ project, pinpointing what residents think is important for their neighbourhoods to have and provide within easy reach.

Quest for the ‘S’ in ESG

9 February 2023 | Authors: Helen Goulden OBE, Charlotte Healy,

How can businesses act in both environmentally and socially responsible ways? What are the trade-offs between sustainability and social outcomes? This report examines how FTSE 100 companies approach ESG.  

The Civic Journey: Summary of emerging findings

19 December 2022 | Authors: Samanthi Theminimulle, Emily Morrison, Jessica Redmond, Tania Carregha, Chelsea McDonagh,

Emerging findings from our youth-led programme, inspiring engagement in social action, community activism and democratic participation across the UK.

Family and community vulnerabilities in the transition to net zero

22 September 2022 | Authors: Helen Goulden OBE, Emily Morrison, Liza Finlay,

Assessing opportunities and potential to develop policy that supports our national journey to net zero, enabling all UK communities to participate and thrive.

UK public perceptions and readiness for a just transition to net zero

22 September 2022 | Authors:

The Institute for Community Studies’ survey explores public views and concerns.

Valuing and enabling citizen science: lessons from the Citizen Science Exploration Grant programme

14 August 2022 | Authors: Siân Whyte,

Exploring UKRI-funded projects, this report makes recommendations for future ‘citizen science’ research and funding design. 


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