This report sets out the results of a pilot study conducted on behalf of Barnet Borough Council. The project had three primary aims:
Map the networks and relationships which exist between people and organisations within a particular area of the Borough, combining it with other existing data sets
Identify and map the qualities of these networks and relationships which may contribute to the Council’s desired outcomes but which are difficult to assess financially
Produce a taxonomy of values which can be used to collect data on other networks and organisations.
We conducted street level mapping of community organisations in and around Golders Green. This approach allows the identification of the maximum number of both formal and “below-the-radar” groups, as well as engaging with local community group leaders to understand their activities, networks and values. Through the street level mapping we found 319 organisations and activities. We followed up our initial mapping by speaking to a number of these organisations through workshops and informal conversations. We found that small, informal groups share a number of important characteristics as well as facing many similar challenges.
Community assets Community wellbeing Methods and measurement
Posted on: 3 July 2015 Authors: Megan Dragony,