60 results found

Our journey to net zero: Understanding household and community participation in the UK’s transition to a greener future

Published: February

Our new report warns the government’s existing net zero transition policies are likely to make the poor poorer, and push struggling communities further into deprivation and exclusion.

This research – which was funded by the Nuffield Foundation and developed with the University of Leeds, University of York and Trinity College Dublin – f…

Evidence of the lived experiences of poverty in the UK

Published: 2024

This synthesis report outlines The Young Foundation’s work exploring the nature of poverty and low income in the UK since 2009. It feeds into a thematic review compiled for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation by GMCVO.

Communities doing it for themselves: Celebrating a decade of the Community Shares Unit

Published: 2023

It has been a decade since the Community Shares Unit launched in 2012 with over £210 million raised using this unique form of finance. This report aims to provide a detailed and inspiring update on the community shares market while celebrating key milestones, innovations and learnings over the last ten years.

The Role of Community Energy in a Just Transition to Net Zero

Published: 2023

This policy report highlights the support needed from government, local authorities, electricity systems operators, and funders to unlock the potential of Community Energy Businesses (CEBs) in achieving a Net Zero future.

Community Businesses and Climate Action

Published: 2023

Over the past six years, Power to Change has become one of the largest funders of community climate action in England, with over £25m of funding and investment supporting climate action in more than 450 community businesses.

To ensure Power to Change’s work is underpinned by robust evidence, the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) …

Conceptualising socially inclusive environmental policy: a just transition to Net Zero

Published: 2023

The policy area addressing the climate crisis in the UK, ‘Net Zero’, will affect many aspects of people’s everyday life. Given that policy builds from where we are now, which for some (post austerity, and mid cost of living crisis) means in financial crisis, there is work to be done in enabling a socially inclusive Net Zero. In this artic…

How can events help build connected, happy and thriving communities?

Published: 2023

This inquiry was set up on the tenth anniversary of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games in order to learn the lessons of past events and to identify how we can capitalise on the power of events to facilitate and encourage wider social and economic change.

Chaired by Sir Tom Hughes-Hallett, the Inquiry’s 25 members have taken evidenc…

Only Reconnect

Published: 2023

A report of the ‘Reconnection Summit’ that took place in October 2022. The summit was organised by the Institute for Community Studies andTPXImpact, in partnership with Engage Britain and its ‘Grassroots Advisory Network (a group of community activists and leaders from across the UK who act as advisors on the work of Engage Britain and identify…

An equitable future for research and innovation: Building sustained community involvement in knowledge production

Published: 2022

This summary report shares the results of discussions with community representatives about how we can improve the ways in which knowledge is produced, used and communicated across the UK. These discussions focused on how formal institutions such as government, research funders and universities – which is typically called ‘the…

Community Pubs – A better form of business 2022

Published: 2022

This research used mixed methods to look at the size, characteristics and performance of the community pub sector in the UK. This is the eighth of such reports, building on what’s known about the sector as it becomes increasingly established. It can be used as an information resource and benchmarking tool for pubs, funders and support organis…

Community Shops – A better form of business 2022

Published: 2022

This comprehensive publication looks at the community shop sector in the UK. It was first published in 2011 and has grown with additional information year on year. The report can now be used as a startup guide for new groups, a benchmarking tool for existing community shops, and is used by funders and support organisations to futureproof servic…

Volunteering Journeys

Published: 2022

A rapid evidence review from the Institute for Community Studies, commissioned by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) to explore young people’s experiences of, and attitudes to, volunteering.

Volunteering Journeys examines how young people perceive and experience the UK’s current volunteering ‘offer’, and how it cou…


Community research

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