263 results found

Young People in Community Business: A legacy report from the #iwill programme

Published: 2023

This report is the legacy of the #iwill project, funded by the Dulverton Trust in partnership with the #iwill Fund (a joint investment between The National Lottery Community Fund and Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport), and delivered by the Plunkett Foundation from 2022 to 2023 – to help community businesses engage, involve and …

Five years of Empowering Places: Evaluation report

Published: 2023

Empowering Places was designed by Power to Change as an experiment to explore what happens when local anchor organisations are supported to catalyse community businesses in deprived communities in England.

This evaluation report is the final in a series of six reports and several short
ethnographic films. The interim reports took a formative a…

Third Sector Trends in England and Wales 2022: Full suite of reports

Published: 2023

Third Sector Trends has been running since 2008. The study has been surveying the sector every three years since 2010 and as such is the largest survey of the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector in England and Wales.

In 2022, 6,071 responses were received across England and Wales (an average of ~600 responses in each region). Des…

Community perceptions of social infrastructure

Published: 2023

‘Social infrastructure’ is a phrase often used by policymakers and academics to refer to those spaces – both physical and digital – that people use to come together. In its 2021 report, Backing our Neighbourhoods, Power to Change, the independent trust that strengthens communities through community business, made the case for a more coh…

Durability in the community business sector

Published: 2023

Durability – concerning the conditions and qualities community businesses might possess to enable their long-term operation in a community – is thought to play an important role in the success and sustainability of the community business sector. This report summarises findings from a desk-based review of 18 publications commissioned by Powe…

Evaluation of the Next Generation programme for Community Energy – innovation Year 3

Published: 2023

Year 3 report and summary findings about the innovation strand of the Next Generation programme for community energy businesses, by Power to Change. The report covers the processes used and impacts, as well as sharing learning from the programme for the benefit of community groups, policy makers and other community energy stakeholders.

Evaluation report: Next Generation peer mentoring scheme

Published: 2023

This report was prepared by CAG Consultants on behalf of Power to Change as part of the evaluation of the Next Generation programme. It provides an evaluation of the peer mentoring scheme that was implemented as part of the Next Generation programme, with a view to informing future peer mentoring initiatives in the community energy sector.

Policy spotlight 1: How social infrastructure improves outcomes

Published: 2023

A report on the importance of neighbourhood-level social infrastructure in building strong, cohesive and prosperous communities.

You can find more reports written or commissioned by Local Trust here.

The Civic Journey: introducing the idea

Published: 2023

The Civic Journey is a transformational two-year youth-led programme that was launched in September 2021. Against a backdrop of increasing evidence concerning social polarisation and community fragmentation, the programme focuses on illuminating and unleashing the civic potential of young people to reinvigorate communities, identify innovative …

Lessons in community-led housing

Published: 2023

In 2017 Power to Change launched its Homes in Community Hands programme, to support community led housing (CLH). Focusing on five urban areas across England, the programme has helped plan and develop individual housing projects, develop enabler organisations, and capitalise other investment and funding mechanisms. These three reports summarise …

Working with community groups: Why and how to do it

Published: 2022

Guidance for public agencies about working with community groups, based on research exploring relationships between Big Local areas and different public sector agencies.

You can find more reports written or commissioned by Local Trust here.

Supports and challenges for community businesses: Lessons learnt from Power to Change’s legacy programme evaluations

Published: 2022

This report summarises findings from a desk-based review of 17 publications commissioned by Power to Change, to share findings on the support and challenges that are faced by community businesses. Looking across Power to Change’s grant and support programmes such as the Bright Ideas, Trade Up and Community Business Fund programmes, the report…


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