Repository: net zero
7 results found
Shaping Sustainable Universities: Examining the role of civic universities in contributing to a just transition to net zero
Published: 2024
Exploring how universities can contribute to a just transition to net zero carbon emissions, this review outlines key areas for university climate impact: reducing emissions, sharing knowledge for sustainability, and supporting local initiatives.
This is one of four evidence reviews which explore the economic and social impact of universities …
Our journey to net zero: Understanding household and community participation in the UK’s transition to a greener future
Published: 2024
Our new report warns the government’s existing net zero transition policies are likely to make the poor poorer, and push struggling communities further into deprivation and exclusion.
This research – which was funded by the Nuffield Foundation and developed with the University of Leeds, University of York and Trinity College Dublin – f…
Conceptualising socially inclusive environmental policy: a just transition to Net Zero
Published: 2023
The policy area addressing the climate crisis in the UK, ‘Net Zero’, will affect many aspects of people’s everyday life. Given that policy builds from where we are now, which for some (post austerity, and mid cost of living crisis) means in financial crisis, there is work to be done in enabling a socially inclusive Net Zero. In this artic…
The Role of Community Energy in a Just Transition to Net Zero
Published: 2023
This policy report highlights the support needed from government, local authorities, electricity systems operators, and funders to unlock the potential of Community Energy Businesses (CEBs) in achieving a Net Zero future.
Delivering Zero-Carbon Schools: A practical and innovative business model for the community energy sector
Published: 2022
Schools are at the heart of our local communities; they represent a quarter of public sector carbon emissions, so fully decarbonising their energy will be essential. While two-thirds of local authorities have declared a Climate Emergency, many do not have plans in place to tackle schools’ emissions. This report presents a new business mo…
Leading to Net Zero – Evidence review of communities pioneering low carbon standards
Published: 2021
The consultancy firm Hoyle and Dean was commissioned by the Community Land Trust Network to undertake a “soft touch” review of the approach various community-led housing development teams take towards sustainability and carbon reduction for housing developments within their operating areas. The purpose of the review was to find the overall …
Towards resilience: Building energy systems with community at their heart
Published: 2021
COVID-19 has brought into sharp focus the fragile state and deeply interconnected nature of the critical systems we rely on for our health and prosperity. Our energy system is a case in point; the pandemic has underscored that existing top-down, centralised models of energy supply and management are not a good fit for the future.
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