10 results found

Supports and challenges for community businesses: Lessons learnt from Power to Change’s legacy programme evaluations

Published: 2022

This report summarises findings from a desk-based review of 17 publications commissioned by Power to Change, to share findings on the support and challenges that are faced by community businesses. Looking across Power to Change’s grant and support programmes such as the Bright Ideas, Trade Up and Community Business Fund programmes, the report…

Understanding impact for community businesses – Challenges and good practices for community businesses and funders

Published: 2022

This paper explores what community businesses can do to understand their social impact, reflecting on the challenges and building on some of the good practices identified through three Power to Change-funded programmes (Bright Ideas, Trade Up and the Community Business Fund). This is presented following the three main elements that community bu…

Residents in control: Community grants in Big Local areas

Published: 2022

The Institute for Voluntary Action Research was commissioned by Local Trust to undertake research on community grants. The research explored conditions for successful community grant making and the benefits community grants bring to Big Local areas.

While this report has primarily been written for Local Trust, it may also provide learning for …

The role of small grants in Big Local: scoping paper

Published: 2022

This paper aims to summarise what Local Trust knows about the small grants funds operating in Big Local areas. Research done in June 2020 found that 140 out of 150 Big Local areas were either currently running a small grants programme or had run one in the past. Small grants funds typically aim to provide money to groups operating at the grassr…

Reaching Further: Lessons for Funder Practice

Published: 2022

This report sets out eight lessons in funder practice from the work of Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales from 2018 to 2022. During the five years of their strategy Reaching Further, the collision of unprecedented social, health and economic crises brought both the strength and fragility of civil society into sharp focus – funders and…

Lloyds Bank Foundation: 360 Giving Data

Published: 2022

This spreadsheet contains details of all grants awarded by the Lloyds Bank Foundation from 2010 until June 2020, formatted to the 360Giving data standard. The Foundation will continue to publish new grants via 360Giving biannually.

This spreadsheet contains details of all grants awarded by the Foundation from 2010 until June 2020, formatted to…

Below the radar: Exploring grants data for grassroots organisations

Published: 2020

This research focuses on a group of community organisations that often get overlooked, and yet play a crucial role in bringing people together in local communities, frequently providing activities and services that others don’t. Its principal aim is to explore how this knowledge and evidence gap can be reduced and how better data can provide …

Five Years of Funder Plus

Published: 2019

Since 2014, Lloyds Bank Foundation has been on an
ambitious journey to offer additional developmental support to their grantees – “funder plus”. They have commissioned, funded and delivered support in partnership with over 100 independent local consultants and providers – piloting, evaluating and testing new ways of working.

This repor…

The Social Process of Supporting Small Charities: An Evaluation of the Lloyds Bank Foundation Grow Pilot Programme

Published: 2018

This independent evaluation examines the support delivered by Lloyds Bank Foundation to ten small charities with a turnover of less than £75,000 across areas of high deprivation in Redcar ad Cleveland and Neath Port Talbot. This support aimed to help build capacity through business planning, marketing, fundraising, service evaluation and volun…

More than Grants

Published: 2017

This series of publications examine how grant-makers can use their influence as funders to strengthen the charity sector. These evaluations include Why Grant Makers Must Learn New Tricks, How Funders Can Support Grantee Effectiveness and How Funders Can Use Their Influence For Good.

Trusts and Foundations have long played a key role alongside …


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