3 results found

Community Businesses and Climate Action

Published: 2023

Over the past six years, Power to Change has become one of the largest funders of community climate action in England, with over £25m of funding and investment supporting climate action in more than 450 community businesses.

To ensure Power to Change’s work is underpinned by robust evidence, the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) …

The role of HEIs in the climate action agenda

Published: 2022

This report considers the role of Higher Education Institutions in the climate action agenda. It explores how universities are responding to the ‘net zero’ challenge, how they are protecting and preparing places and communities from climate impacts, and how they might extend a ‘civic’ approach that works in partnership with other local …

Community Business Climate Action Programme Scoping Study Literature Review

Published: 2021

This rapid literature review was undertaken by CAG Consultants in late 2021 as part of a scoping study to inform Power to Change’s new Climate Action Programme under development. It takes a wide perspective of available data to provide an overview of development needs/opportunities, funding and support gaps for community businesses …


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