Seeking innovators to pioneer new approaches in the heritage sector 

5 July 2022

We’re working with The National Lottery Heritage Fund to pilot a new initiative, funding organisations to test bright ideas to support the workforce of the future.

Neighbourhood groups are here to stay, finds campaign for community power

13 June 2022

As research highlights the lasting power of community action, we join MPs and campaigners in Parliament to call for legislative change

New research programme explores the role of ‘social infrastructure’ in levelling up

25 May 2022

A collaborative project, funded by the British Academy and Power to Change, and led by the Institute for Community Studies and the Bennett Institute for Public Policy.

Report finds social enterprises funded by The Young Academy benefit 1.8m learners

20 April 2022

Social investment fund, set up by The Young Foundation, UBS and the Cabinet Office to tackle disadvantage in education, shares learnings from eight years of flexible and patient finance.

Young people propose solutions to youth mental health crisis

28 March 2022

New research – led by 16- to 20-year-olds and conducted with 10- to 21-year-olds in England – shares a youth vision for a healthier, happier post-Covid future.  

Time to invest in community leadership

9 February 2022

A report by The Young Foundation’s Chief Executive, Helen Goulden, explores the role and value of community leadership – and suggests what’s needed to support it.

Levelling Up White Paper pledges ‘huge shift of power’ from Whitehall

3 February 2022

Our Associate Director welcomes “real weight given to wellbeing and pride in place”.

Government publishes plans to address UK inequality

2 February 2022

The delayed Levelling Up White Paper pledges a ‘huge shift of power’ towards local people.

Report finds postgraduates seeking ‘a sense of belonging’

1 February 2022

Ethnic minority postgraduate researchers share their experiences of discrimination at small and specialist institutions.

Research shows local engagement can increase Covid-19 vaccine take-up

19 November 2021

A new UK-US collaborative study examining vaccine engagement highlights the importance of tapping into local knowledge and leadership.

Peer research conference announced with a call for submissions

12 November 2021

People involved in commissioning, delivering and responding to peer research are invited to propose a session, presentation, or roundtable idea.

‘A new kind of activism is taking hold’: Climate Challenge Cup winners announced at COP26

11 November 2021

Last night, two innovative projects took home the first Climate Challenge Cup, following an innovation showcase and live final at COP26 in Glasgow.


Community research

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