16 April 2025
9:30am - 3:30pm
Price: £300 per person
Join us for an engaging one-day introduction to peer research. This online session is designed for organisations and practitioners currently working with peer researchers, or those who are interested in managing or seeking funding for a peer research project in the future.
Previous participants say:
“Really practical, concrete guidance.”
“Excellent delivery, facilitation and organisation! Wonderful to see the team willing to hold spaces for questions and discussions with such care and intention.”
“Would recommend to anyone who is thinking of starting a peer/community research programme. I have done lots of research and still found the pace really great.”
“Brilliant course! I have learnt a lot and also feel inspired. It was a good blend of information-sharing, break-out rooms, and group discussions. Always good to hear other people’s experiences, and the format allowed for that.”
The day will be highly practical, with sessions including:
- Introduction to peer research
- The principles of peer research
- Working with peer researchers:
- Recruitment of peer researchers
- Training
- Reward and recognition
- Support and mentoring
- Project management
- Planning
- Recruitment
- Fieldwork management
- Co-design:
- Co-designing research
- Developing research tools
- Co-analysis of findings
- Sharing our findings
Please contact tate.gronow@youngfoundation.org to book or be notified of future dates.