
Dr Xia Lin is Head of Research at Toynbee Hall. Xia is committed to co-producing good quality research and co-designing effective solutions with communities. After working on academic research funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, British Academy and Public Health England, Dr Lin started Participatory Action Research at Toynbee Hall and has been leading on its research and policy work.


Multiple peer research models with a shared goal

Day 1, 23 March, 2.15pm

Delivered by Dr Xia Lin, Toynbee Hall.


Based in the East End of London since 1884, Toynbee Hall works in partnership to shape a fairer and happier future. Working with partners such as the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, Greater London Authority, and HM Treasury, we ensure that people affected by systemic inequality are involved in designing effective and sustainable solutions. 

Toynbee Hall has been conducting Participatory Action Research since 2017, centring co-production in all the work we do. We currently work with over 40 active peer researchers and 200 experts by experience. Examples of projects include working with 23 peer researchers to explore the risks young private renters face in East London and co-designing solutions with landlords; improving access to cash in areas of deprivation in Britain; and investigating the impact of COVID-19 crisis on Londoners which led to peer researchers presenting to MPs, producing podcasts and leading a policy campaign on Universal Credit.

Community research

We are a not-for-profit tackling societal issues with a collaborative, multi-disciplinary approach.

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Social innovation

Involving people from diverse sectors to shape game-changing initiatives.

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