22 results found

Amplify: Local campaigning in a digital world

Publication 14 May 2013

This toolkit is designed to help community organisations use the free and low cost web tools already widely available. Between April 2011 and March 2013 The Young Foundation, as part of the Building Local Activism programme supported by the Big

Noticing the Change – A Framework of Outcomes for young people in practice

Publication 19 March 2013

In July 2012 the Catalyst consortium published “A Framework of Outcomes for Young People” which makes the case for why social and emotional capabilities matter, and why funders, commissioners and investors should have more confidence in their value. The team

The Social Design Methods Menu

Publication 30 January 2013

This document summarises the main approaches and methods developed over several years through teaching and supporting managers and entrepreneurs. It provides an introduction and manual for those looking for a new way to tackle social and policy issues, such as caring

Framework of outcomes for young people

Publication 1 July 2012

Young people are living, learning and negotiating transitions to adulthood and independence in an increasingly complex and challenging world, in which they face greater levels of choice and opportunity, but also unprecedented uncertainty and risk. This calls for empowered, resilient

Informing Investment in Youth Work: Measuring value and strengthening the evidence base

Publication 30 June 2011

We believe that managing the transition between youth and adulthood better is vitally important in improving outcomes for young people. However there is a lack of evidence about what works in this area. Further, such evidence as exists is not

How to Guides

Publication 1 March 2011

This series of guides is designed to help funders and project leads to set up and sustain innovative projects across the NHS. The How to Guides draw together the material on supporting health innovation which the Young Foundation delivered and

Learning in Company: Designing The U

Publication 1 December 2010

The U’s founding belief was that engaging training in a range of useful skills such as first aid, saving energy and intervening safely to defuse conflict will encourage more effective responses to social challenges by citizens who participate in The

Taking the temperature of local communities: The Wellbeing and Resilience Measure (WARM)

Publication 1 November 2010

As public resources shrink it is more important than ever that local areas have ways to think clearly about their priorities and needs. WARM is a new tool that has been developed to make the most of existing data about

Local Wellbeing: Can We Measure It?

Publication 30 September 2008

The concept and language of wellbeing was first introduced at the local level through the Local Government Act 2000. The Act included a new power of wellbeing, providing local authorities with the power to do whatever they consider necessary to

Combining research methods in a study of the UK’s unmet needs

Publication 1 July 2008

The complexity of trying to understand and examine social needs in society has highlighted the fact that a mixed methods approach to research is needed, combining quantitative and qualitative research methods. The Mapping Needs programme explored and shed light to


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