71 results found

Devolving funds to local communities

Publication 1 August 2008

Nationally, much emphasis has been placed on the opportunities to devolve funds to localities as a way to promote spending effectiveness, as well as engage and empower residents. Many local authorities have developed different ways to enable residents or councillors

The London Collaborative: State of Play

Publication 1 June 2008

The London Collaborative was an ambitious programme designed to improve the capacity of London’s public sector to work across boundaries of place, profession and organisation in order to meet future challenges facing the capital. This publication provides an overview of

A Collaborative City? A snapshot of current collaboration across the public sector in London

Publication 1 April 2008

This paper sketches a picture of current capacity for joint and strategic working across tiers of government and public services in London. It looks at the kinds of partnerships, networks and other mechanisms that exist, at perceptions of how well

Developing leadership capability for a collaborative city

Publication 1 April 2008

In this paper, we explored the increasing requirement for leaders to make complex judgements, to rethink and redesign systems, and to find integrative solutions that make sense from several different perspectives. We identified the need to develop a stronger problem

The Collaborative City: Future Trends

Publication 1 March 2008

This report on Future Trends accompanies the main London Collaborative report “The Collaborative City” and offers an analysis of more than 50 studies about the future of London. The London Collaborative was a partnership led by the Young Foundation, in

The Collaborative City: Working together to shape London’s future

Publication 1 March 2008

The London Collaborative was a partnership led by the Young Foundation, in association with the Office for Public Management (OPM) and Common Purpose. The report was designed to stimulate future thinking among all of us who care about London’s future

The Collaborative City – Future Scenarios

Publication 1 March 2008

The London Collaborative was an ambitious programme designed to improve the capacity of London’s public sector to work across boundaries of place, profession and organisation in order to meet future challenges facing the capital. This report accompanied the launch report

How to develop a local charter: A guide for local authorities

Publication 30 January 2008

This Young Foundation guide was launched by Hazel Blears MP, the then Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, at the 2008 Annual New Local Government Network (NGLN) conference. The guide, commissioned and published by the Department of Communities

Transformers: How local areas innovate to address changing social needs

Publication 1 January 2008

Innovation in public services is going to prove crucial to the UK’s ability to meet the social challenges of the 21st century. However, historically, the UK does a poor job of developing innovations in the public sector. We are particularly

Ward councillors and community leadership: A future perspective

Publication 1 November 2007

This report explores the findings from a study for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation by the Young Foundation and Local Government Information Unit. In 2007 when this report was released, the role ward councillors were expected to play in community leadership

Transforming Neighbourhoods: Lessons from Local Work in Fifteen Areas

Publication 1 October 2007

For many years, there has been increased political focus – both in Whitehall and in local government – on the need to boost opportunities for residents, both as individuals and collectively, to influence what happens in the local areas in

Why involve and what are the outcomes? The duty to involve for best value authorities

Publication 5 June 2007

This briefing was commissioned by the Department for Communities and Local Government to inform the development of the “Duty to Involve” – a duty which which was set to be launched in April 2008 for local authorities to work under.


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