Health & wellbeing
42 results found
Sinking and Swimming: Understanding Britain’s Unmet Needs
Publication 1 December 2009
This is a study of who is sinking and who is swimming in Britain today. Based on new analysis of statistical data, case studies, surveys and hundreds of conversations with people across the country, the study shows where the most
Going green and beating the blues
Publication 1 December 2009
All over the world communities are grappling with two different agendas: on the one hand how to make their areas environmentally sustainable; on the other how to promote the wellbeing of local residents. Sometimes these agendas reinforce each other. But
Grit: The skills for success and how they are grown
Publication 1 May 2009
Grit: The skills for success and how they are grown argues that Britain’s schools need to prioritise grit and self-discipline. Drawing on evidence from around the world it shows that these contribute as much to success at work and in
Meet the parents: stories of teenage pregnancy and parenthood in Lewisham
Publication 1 March 2009
The Young Foundation was commissioned by the London Borough of Lewisham to look at how perceptions and expectations of young people in the borough impacted on teenage pregnancy. We carried out detailed ethnographic studies to capture the experiences of young
Mind and Matter: The importance of psychological needs for social policy
Publication 30 November 2008
This work was part of the Young Foundation’s Mapping Unmet and Emerging Needs programme. The programme brought together a coalition of more than a dozen independent foundations and funding bodies to develop new insights into how social needs in Britain
Life begins at 60: what kind of NHS after 2008?
Publication 28 October 2006
Can the NHS evolve into a national wellness service capable of maximising people’s health rather than just treating us when we get ill? That’s the question at the heart of a visionary document about the future of the NHS by
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