Health & wellbeing
42 results found
Transforming Health: Shifting our health systems from illness treatment and prevention to health creation
Publication 11 July 2017
In spite of recent overall advancements in our society’s health and wellbeing, we are experiencing a crisis of major health disparities driven by growing inequalities. Experts recognize that while the NHS has much to be celebrated, its design is not
European Policy Brief: Social Innovation in Health and Social Care
Publication 6 May 2017
This policy brief on Social Innovation in Health and Social Care is based on results of the EC H2020 funded project Social Innovation: Driving Force of Social Change (SI-DRIVE). Highlights of this policy field are given from results of a
Health and Social Care Policy Field Summary Report
Publication 6 May 2017
Social innovation in health and social care is strongly determined by social values, culture and societal expectations. Answers to questions such as, who should pay for care? and, who deserves care? differ across contexts and come together to shape health
Social Innovation in Health and Social Care: Case Study Results
Publication 6 December 2016
Health and social care is a policy field that is ripe for social innovation because of the significant problems being faced by health systems the world over and because of the significant differences between different health and social care contexts.
Policy Brief: Social Innovation in Health and Social Care
Publication 6 December 2015
This policy brief appraises the state of social innovation in Health and Social Care and looks at current and future challenges and opportunities in the policy field. This document is based on the Policy Field Report for Health and Social
BAME Needs Assessment West Sussex: Community Engagement
Publication 7 November 2015
This summary reports the results of an independent community engagement and research study carried out as part of a Needs Assessment for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) groups within West Sussex. The work was delivered by The Young Foundation,
Social Innovation in Health and Social Care: State-of-the-Art Summary
Publication 6 August 2015
The state-of-the-art report provides a policy field specific study on social innovation and the related governance system. It addresses recent challenges, corresponding practice fields of social innovation as well as illustrating social innovation projects. Thereby, the European, national and global
Together We Can: Exploring asset-based approaches and complex needs service transformation
Publication 14 November 2013
Our health needs as a nation are changing. Improvements in healthcare mean we are now living longer than ever, yet these advances also bring new challenges. At the same time, we are living in a society which places greater value
Stimulating and supporting innovation within your organisation & system – Health at The Young Foundation
Publication 20 March 2013
The bedrock of the NHS is currently shifting. The future stage has been set by huge structural changes, a need for massive savings, the necessity of working across partnerships and sectors, all combined with a renewed drive to truly put
The NHS and Civil Society – The Young Foundation and Health
Publication 20 March 2013
We believe that the NHS needs to access the strengths of civil society to do its job in the 21st century. To cope with the changing disease burden and growing financial pressures, the NHS needs to take advantage of the
Data and the patient – The Young Foundation and Health
Publication 20 March 2013
We believe the major issues facing the NHS cannot be solved without changing the way the NHS uses information. The NHS need to be more proactive, integrated, and patient centred, or it will crumble under the twin pressures of an
Doctor Know: A knowledge commons in health
Publication 13 March 2013
The Young Foundation and Nesta believe that the way knowledge is generated and applied in healthcare will change dramatically over the next decades, and has the potential to transform the way patients experience care, and how they make decisions about
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