22 results found

Research seeks to support community businesses in the green economy

News 23 September 2022

We’re working with Power to Change, a trust supporting community business and funding community climate action.

‘Change starts with people like me’

Blog 23 September 2022

Mark Pepper is driving climate action at Ambition Lawrence Weston, a housing estate on the outskirts of Bristol.

Policy briefing examines impact of shift to carbon-neutral economy

News 22 September 2022

How policy can support all UK people through our transition to net zero carbon emissions.

Family and community vulnerabilities in the transition to net zero

Publication 22 September 2022

Assessing opportunities and potential to develop policy that supports our national journey to net zero, enabling all UK communities to participate and thrive.

UK public perceptions and readiness for a just transition to net zero

Publication 22 September 2022

The Institute for Community Studies’ survey explores public views and concerns.

Seeking innovators to pioneer new approaches in the heritage sector 

News 5 July 2022

We’re working with The National Lottery Heritage Fund to pilot a new initiative, funding organisations to test bright ideas to support the workforce of the future.

“Let’s talk about parks” – conversation club resource

Publication 5 December 2017

Parks have a special place in the modern urban landscape as they are publicly owned, free to use and exist simply for our enjoyment, regardless of our background or social background. Spending time outdoors provides respite from the stresses of

#refugeeswelcome in parks: a resource book

Publication 4 December 2017

Do you work directly with refugees and asylum seekers? This resource book will share information on how the use of public space can help to facilitate wellbeing and inclusion, and offers ideas for supporting positive experiences. Are you involved in

Benches for everyone: Solitude in public, sociability for free

Publication 9 November 2015

The Bench Project finds that benches in our towns and cities, though easily overlooked, play a crucial role in social life. This publication argues that benches are currently being removed from public spaces, damaging community life and social integration. Benches

Going green and beating the blues

Publication 1 December 2009

All over the world communities are grappling with two different agendas: on the one hand how to make their areas environmentally sustainable; on the other how to promote the wellbeing of local residents. Sometimes these agendas reinforce each other. But


Community research

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