60 results found

Commissioning Futures: A Guide for Schools

Publication 4 May 2018

A good-practice guide to support schools to more effectively commission innovative services, especially those that aim to tackle educational inequality.

How is EU employment policy driving social innovation?

Publication 22 December 2017

This report explores the characteristics of EU-supported employment social innovations, and asks how the EU is driving these.

Stories of Inequality and Action

Publication 20 December 2017

This report covers some highlights of our work from 2014-2017, when we made a strategic decision to focus on inequalities and direct all our work to challenging it.

The Young Academy Impact Report

Publication 13 December 2017

The Young Foundation is delighted to launch the first impact report for the Young Academy, our innovation and investment programme for social ventures working to reduce educational inequality. The report tells the story of the Young Academy since its launch

Humanity at Work – MONDRAGON, a social innovation ecosystem case study

Publication 5 April 2017

This research report on the MONDRAGON Corporation, the largest industrial Co-operative in the world, explores it as a social innovation ecosystem, a highly successful and competitive way of transforming people’s lives for the better through shared ownership. MONDRAGON is a

Share to Know: Furthering peer-to-peer and collaborative learning methods

Publication 16 February 2017

Share to Know was a European exchange project that aims to further the use of peer-to-peer learning methodologies by educational institutions and other organisations/individuals working with young people. The exchange took place between three peer-to-peer learning practitioners from the United

INSPIRE: An evaluation of the Sussex Police schools education programme

Publication 7 September 2014

There is relatively little research looking at the views of children and young people about the police but improving confidence and experiences of contact with the police is a priority identified by the Association of Chief Police Officers. Early contact

Keeping in Touch with our Roots: The case for housing associations to build closer links with social enterprises

Publication 21 October 2013

The history of housing associations is rooted in supporting the most vulnerable in society. As their reach has expanded, the challenge has been to stay connected to the communities they serve. Social enterprise and entrepreneurship offers a route for housing

Social Investment in Education

Publication 26 June 2013

A public educational system, free at the point of use, should be our greatest tool for delivering equality of opportunity. But this is not happening. When pupils from poorer backgrounds enter the education system they are already behind their peers. Instead of catching

Nice House, Good Job: Improving educational attainment in West Norfolk

Publication 26 June 2013

The Borough Council of Kings Lynn and West Norfolk undertook an ambitious programme of action to change the landscape of youth transitions in West Norfolk. The council wanted to equip their young people to leave school with the skills to

The Whats, The Whys and The Hows

Publication 5 April 2013

An introduction to social investment for youth sector organisations. This briefing was prepared as part of the Catalyst Investment Readiness Programme, offered by the Young Foundation. Catalyst was a consortium of four organisations working with the Department for Education as

Who is going to employ me? A resilience intervention for men

Publication 1 February 2013

In 2012-2013 The Young Foundation worked with Mind to develop a programme targeting the mental health of older men who are out of work. Our goal was to work with them to discover the best ways to help build their


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