Community wellbeing
65 results found
Amplify: Voices and actions in places
Publication 20 April 2018
Designed and developed by the Young Foundation in partnership with communities, Amplify responds to the real, lived experiences of people and the communities in which they live and is based on the principles of listening deeply and treading carefully. Amplify connects people to take action together. It
Uttlesford Community Action Zones Report
Publication 11 April 2018
As part of our work in Essex, the “Uttlesford Community Action Research – Community Action Zones” project took a strengths-based approach to understanding social isolation and loneliness; focusing on people’s social connections and networks, rather than assuming social deficit. Drawing
“Let’s talk about parks” – conversation club resource
Publication 5 December 2017
Parks have a special place in the modern urban landscape as they are publicly owned, free to use and exist simply for our enjoyment, regardless of our background or social background. Spending time outdoors provides respite from the stresses of
#refugeeswelcome in parks: a resource book
Publication 4 December 2017
Do you work directly with refugees and asylum seekers? This resource book will share information on how the use of public space can help to facilitate wellbeing and inclusion, and offers ideas for supporting positive experiences. Are you involved in
A Tale of Two Cities: Community Perspectives and Narratives on Inequality, Struggle, Hope and Change
Publication 15 November 2017
Today we are facing unprecedented inequality challenges. Who holds responsibility for the widening gaps in society and how do we solve them? A tale of two cities presents community perspectives on what inequality is, and how it is experienced, struggled
Valuing Place: The importance of place for understanding inequality and taking action in Wales
Publication 7 February 2017
Amplify Cymru was a programme of interconnected research and innovation support funded by the Welsh Government. Amplify Cymru helps people take action together to create fairer communities where everyone can thrive. Our research into the lived experience of over 350
Benches for everyone: Solitude in public, sociability for free
Publication 9 November 2015
The Bench Project finds that benches in our towns and cities, though easily overlooked, play a crucial role in social life. This publication argues that benches are currently being removed from public spaces, damaging community life and social integration. Benches
The U: Connecting communities through learning
Publication 4 August 2015
The U was a project with a strong vision – to create and foster social connections in communities without demanding a large shift in lifestyle, culture or personal values. By creating safer, healthier and happier communities through people being connected
On the Ground: community mapping in Barnet
Publication 3 July 2015
This report sets out the results of a pilot study conducted on behalf of Barnet Borough Council. The project had three primary aims: Map the networks and relationships which exist between people and organisations within a particular area of the
Beyond GDP: Measuring social progress at the local level
Publication 30 May 2013
The aim of the Beyond GDP project was to expand our understanding of how we measure societal progress at a local level – in other words, to going beyond monetary measurements to look at the many other aspects which affect
Rowing against the tide: Making the case for community resilience
Publication 1 December 2012
Community resilience is a term that is increasingly used in the policy sphere and yet there is a lack of understanding about what it really means in practice. With the long shadow of the recession still over us, and with
Adapting to change: the role of community resilience
Publication 1 October 2012
Adapting to Change asks what it is that makes communities not just bounce back from adversity but thrive when faced with long-term challenges. This report, commissioned by the Barrow Cadbury Trust, seeks to build on this work, deepen our understanding
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