Matthew Walsham, Partnerships for Young London
Conference stream: Youth
Matthew leads on policy and campaigns at Partnership for Young London and has supported and trained over 13 organisations to conduct peer research in the past three years. He recently authored a ‘peer research toolkit’, to support organisations to involve young people in research.
A new deal for young people: youth-led research in London
Day 2, 24 March, 11.15am
This session is delivered by Matthew Walsham
Partnership for Young London believes in a future where every young person’s right to wellbeing is recognised and fulfilled. Convened in 1997, Partnership for Young London is the Regional Youth Unit for London. Hosted by the City of London Corporation, they are an independent charity set up to support the youth sector. They work collaboratively to support a systemic approach, working with a range of partners across local authorities, charities, housing associations and others. They believe the voices of young Londoners should be a key part of our decision-making processes and have focused on peer researcher and involving young people with the relevant lived experience into research design, evaluation, and campaigning.